Food and Mood: Why You Should Care What You’re Eating

Alright, get comfy, because we’re about to shatter your dreams of a world where you can eat pizza for every meal and still feel amazing. Spoiler: what you eat actually has a massive effect on how you feel. I know, devastating. But true, there’s good news—you can use this knowledge to feel like the best version of yourself (yes, even without the pizza).

Food and Mood: What’s the Deal?

When you’re hungry, you’re not exactly a joy to be around. You’re hangry—and there’s a scientific reason behind that. Hunger messes with your body’s energy levels, throwing it into survival mode, which basically translates to “irritate everyone around you until you get a snack.”

But it’s not just about when you eat—it’s about what you eat, too. Think of your body like a car (and no, I don’t mean an old banger that’s seen better days). Just as you wouldn’t fill a Ferrari with cheap fuel, you probably shouldn’t fill your body with junk if you want it to run smoothly. Eating the right stuff helps your body make serotonin and dopamine—fancy names for the chemicals that keep you happy and chilled.

How Does Food Affect My Mood?

Good question, you curious little thing. Food helps your body create those neurotransmitters we just mentioned—serotonin, dopamine, and all those other good-feeling chemicals that make you smile (or at least not snap at your coworkers head off). When you eat well, these brain chemicals keep you balanced, less stressed, and in a better mood.

So, next time you’re feeling grumpy, maybe don’t blame your bad day—blame that poor choice at lunch.

Other Mood Messing Culprits

Now, food isn’t the only thing that can throw your mood off-kilter. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of other mood-crushing suspects you should probably keep an eye on:

  • Exercise: Yes, the dreaded “E” word. Turns out, moving your body can make you feel better (who knew?). A little bit of exercise releases endorphins, which are basically nature’s happy pills—minus the weird side effects.
  • Nature: As much as we love scrolling Instagram from our sofas, there’s something to be said about getting outside and, you know, breathing. Studies show spending time in nature boosts your mood, so maybe ditch the screen and go hug a tree.
  • Sleep: If you’re surviving on five hours of sleep and wondering why you’re in a permanent state of irritability, it’s time for a wake-up call (no pun intended). Good sleep = better mood. It’s that simple.
  • Weather: It’s not just your gran who gets cranky when it rains. Science says weather affects your mood. So, if the sun’s shining, soak it in. And if it’s raining? Well, enjoy the excuse to stay in and binge-watch something.

Be Kind to Yourself (Seriously)

Look, we all know life gets busy, and sometimes the quickest meal isn’t always the best one. We’ve all reached for that dodgy snack when time’s short—no judgement here. But here’s the thing: cut yourself some slack. You’re human, not a robot.

If you slip up, don’t spend the next hour feeling guilty. Instead, give yourself a break, and get back on track with your next meal. Life’s too short for food guilt, anyway.

Snack Smarter (Not Sadder)

You know that 3 p.m. energy crash when your brain feels like it’s been swapped with a potato? That’s your blood sugar playing mind games with you. Grabbing something sugary seems like a quick fix, but all you’re doing is signing up for a rollercoaster of energy spikes and crashes.

Instead, reach for something that’ll keep you going for more than ten minutes—nuts, fruit, hummus, the usual “I know I should eat this, but…” suspects. You don’t have to be a saint about it, but trust me, your brain will thank you.

What Should You Eat to Feel Like a Human Again?

Now, let’s get to the good stuff: what you should actually eat to feel your best. Here’s your cheat sheet for brain and mood-boosting food:

  • Protein: Not just for gym bros. It’s the building block of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. So, throw some chicken, eggs, or tofu into the mix and feel that mood lift.
  • Healthy Fats: Think avocados, oily fish, nuts—stuff that sounds healthy and kind of is. These fats are the good guys, keeping your brain firing on all cylinders and your mood balanced.
  • Eat the Rainbow: No, not Skittles—sorry. We’re talking fruit and veg. The more colourful your plate, the more antioxidants you’re getting, which help protect your brain from those sneaky free radicals.
  • Magnesium: It’s in leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, and it’s basically your body’s way of keeping you calm and focused. So, yeah, load up on spinach.

Take It Easy

Look, you don’t have to overhaul your diet overnight. Start small. Swap out that packet of crisps for something with a bit more nutritional punch. And remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect—it’s to feel better, little by little.

At the end of the day, your mood and your food are closely linked, but it’s not worth stressing over. Small changes, one step at a time. Before you know it, you’ll feel like a better version of yourself—without even realising it.

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